I started by reading the pages of introductory material in my NKJV. Although it isn't the easiest translation to read, I've been a bit nerdy about study, and I knew that it is more of a "serious study" translation, and that's what I've been trying to do - seriously study. I used about six other translations to help with deciphering the material, and I purchased a monthly subscription to my Bible app, which came with dozens of commentaries and study material to really help if I struggled - which I did. I also decided to use the COMA method of study presented by Pastor Jim Nicodem from Christ Community Church because it was methodical, and I like methodical.
And I began. I knew very little about the book when I started:
- I knew that Isaiah prophesied during King Hezekiah's reign (I only knew that because I read it in a novel about King Hezekiah.)
- I knew that the book itself was controversial as to when it was actually written until the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, and yet people still argue about whether Isaiah is a faulty book in the old testament.
- I knew that it was LONG.
- I also knew that if you compare the book of Isaiah to the Bible as a whole, the book of Isaiah is a good summary of the Bible from cover to cover (Creation-Fall-Redemption-Restoration).
And that's about it.
Oh, and I also knew it was daunting. And poetry. Most of it was written in poetic form - for which I lack an appreciation and understanding. Needless to say, I was not looking forward to the task at hand, but when God starts on you about something, He doesn't stop, and then when you finally follow through, He blesses you. Which he did.
So I'll start today's blog with a tiny introduction to the book of Isaiah before I dig into the meat and potatoes of it. If you're a reader or study-er of God's word, you pick it up for a variety of reasons. I'm an application and logic gal, so I like to know how the reading connects to things. That being said, that's going to be my approach to this blog series.
So. The book of Isaiah. The Assyrian Empire was in it's third stage and had spread over the land and was taking over kingdoms as it grew. The Assyrian army was barbaric during it strongest point - around 900 BC to 600 BC - and Isaiah lived and prophesied during some of the most barbaric and chaotic periods of that time - the last half. From what I have gathered from several sources, the Assyrians would conquer kingdoms brutally and plunder them OR make peace with them and require the rulers of these kingdoms to pay a substantial tribute to the Assyrians. During Isaiah's lifetime, Judah had fallen under Assyrian tribute law. We start in chapter one where Isaiah is called to do God's work.
The first chapter, after Isaiah accepts his position as prophet, he immediately sets to work explaining that Jerusalem is in trouble. God's people have taken him to the end of His patience, and He's about to dish out some discipline to get their attention. By the end of this chapter, however, God's promise to deliver His people comes into play again, and we see that the enemy's plan to completely wipe out the bloodline of Christ will not come to fruition. God remembers His promise to Abraham. He can see our hearts. He will deliver those whose hearts remain pure.
As a mom, this brings me to tears. I am a forty-four year old woman who, after living a life of shame and rebellion and being set free from all of that, still can't get it right. I lose my Jesus on my children. I eat too many Reeces peanut butter cups. I harbor resentment. And yet God knows my heart. I pray daily that my heart is clean, that God will forgive me, and that I can be one of His chosen ones that He delivers. Through this prayer I know that He forgives me, and I pray that the next day will be better, and that I will invite Him to help me make better choices with my kids, my health, and my life.
The next installment of this series will move forward through a series of chapters. Isaiah's first thirty-nine chapters made me want to pull my hair out. By chapter fifteen I wanted to cry thinking that I was going to have to read sixty-six chapters of sin, death, and destruction. And yet the entire story wrapped up so beautifully by chapter fifty-nine (which, to me, was the climactic chapter), it actually took my breath away to conclude with God's grace.
Remember, this is just one woman's journey through this book. I encourage you to take your own journey through it as you read through my revelations. I pray you are as blessed as I have been to be called to read this part of God's word. Much love to you.