This was taken from a devotional that I delivered on November 28, 2023 to our Care Night groups.
I’d like to open this evening with a true story. A friend of ours have 5 children, and this last week one of the five confessed to running up significant credit card debt to the tune of almost $10,000 on her credit cards. She’s in her 20s and making not enough money, and the economy is horrible — and the weight of this was causing her to consider some even more unhealthy choices to “make it through Christmas.” It has been on her mothers mind to ask her about it because she’s dropped hints that she has credit card bills, but this week, my friend finally just asked her point blank how much she owed.
When my friend told me how much, it sucked the wind right out of me and reminded me that I was in a pickle seven years ago after a divorce and facing debt to the tune of $90,000.
That was before Jesus met me. Before I picked up the Bible and used it as a sword. That was before. . .
Last Sunday was the first Sunday of Advent — the Sunday we lit the candle of Hope, and I figured - “What better way to end this session of bettering ourselves through community by giving you the message of hope.”
See, I am an addict. I was born with a genetic predisposition to addiction, and until I was 41 years old, I was happy to say I had escaped all of it. And then Jesus humbled me and shed light on all that I needed to surrender. Today I am a recovering
Human addict
Food addict
Sugar addict
Spending addict
Attention addict
Pride addict
Vanity addict . . . . Etc etc etc
But all of that is not me. Because I am a Daughter of the King first and foremost, and He has delivered me through the hope He gave me in His Son.
Father Richard Rohr wrote a book called Breathing Underwater, Spirituality and the Twelve Steps. At the beginning of my faith journey the church community I had joined read this book as a whole church. In his introduction, Father Richard says that he wondered “whether addiction could be one very helpful metaphor for what the biblical tradition called ‘sin’”. Sin — what separates us from peace with God. Because we turn elsewhere instead of being in perfect union with Him. Yes, this began to make perfect sense to me.
I do what I want, and I leave God standing there waiting for me to come back because my plan doesn't work.
Tonight I want to share some insights with you from my first week of my Advent Bible study. In Genesis chapter 3, God tells the serpent who tricked Eve into eating the apple:
“And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.””
Genesis 3:15 NIV
I don’t know about you but it kind of sounds like the serpent is going to be the loser in that fight. The father of lies and deceit will have his head crushed. I can’t wait to see it. The first message of Hope was given by God before the first Biblical account of any child even being born. Hope.
Sometimes it’s hard to pray during difficult times in our lives, so tonight we are going to do some guided prayer. You each have a piece of paper just to jot down some things while we move through this and at the end I’m going to give you a few minutes to spend with the Lord in your own secret prayer to Him.
According to Romans 3:23, ALL have sinned. ALL have chosen our own path instead of God’s. We all still do because if I remember the last time I stood up here none of you could give me a 5 when I asked you to rate yourself on your ability to show love for God and others 100% of the time. But there’s still hope.
There was a girl who was engaged to a guy who ended up pregnant and birthing the Messiah. The Messiah. The redeemer. Boy, that was unexpected. For her and for her fiancé. But not for God. Did you know that from the time of conception until about day eight, literally the ONLY person who knows that a woman is pregnant is God??? What an amazing secret He gets to keep for over a week. God’s people had been waiting for thousands of years for the Messiah. For four hundred years, God’s people heard NOTHING from him. And then, unexpectedly, He appeared. In a barn.
Ok —
#1. Write down a situation in your life where right now you are waiting for something. Is there a need in your life that hasn’t been met? Is there healing you’re desperate for God to bring?
#2. Write down a situation in your life where you are fighting the idea of trusting in God’s plan when you just want to resolve it. This could be related to #1.
#3. Have you forgotten or How have you forgotten (or maybe just learned today) that our God is the God of the unexpected?
#4. We believe that God’s unexpected ways can be trusted with things as important as our salvation and eternity, but not with the details and daily burdens of our lives. What part of this situation do you need to surrender to God fully? Is there anything that feels too small and insignificant? Write it down anyway.
#5. Isaiah 55:8 says. ““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.” Jot down a few notes about how you can apply this verse to your circumstance.
Now for the next 2-3 minutes, I’m going to give you time to have a conversation with God about what you just wrote down. Be honest with Him and throw it all down for Him to pick up and deal with.
1-2 minutes
Father in your word you spoke to your people, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”” Remind us that you’re always doing hundreds of things in our lives, but we might be so underwater in our grief, anxiety, and life that we may be aware of exactly none of them. We can’t change where we are sitting in our circumstances, God, but we can change who sits with us. You give us hope. We seek a solution to our problem, but what we need is a quiet heart in the midst of this storm. Please draw us nearer to you and give us the hope that only your Son can bring us. We ask this in your Son Jesus Christ’s name. Amen
So let me end tonight with how my friend’s daughter’s situation was resolved. They had been holding a savings account with rent money in it that her daughter had been paying for about five years. God provided just the right amount of money in that savings account to pay off the debt. They worked on a budget this week and came up with a plan to pay the savings account back over the course of two years plus $300/month to continue saving each month. AND my friend got to tell her about Financial Peace University — she’s not a Christ follower currently and always declines invitations to church, but she didn’t decline this time. God is working on her. Praise Him.
The situation didn’t go away, but there is hope in His plan.
Finally, I leave you with three pieces of scripture about hope and peace:
Jesus says in John chapter 16
““I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.””
John 16:33 NIV
“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”
Isaiah 26:3 NIV
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:6-7 NIV